Short story on friendship

Short story on friendship

Short story on friendship

A friend in general expresses the personality of his friend, so if anyone wants to know the details of his personality, and its angles, he should only look at his friend. And the wise men were truthful when they said that a man's friend is his partner in his intellect. Each of us tends to people who are similar to him and are similar to him in characteristics and moral and intellectual trends.

Friendship is nothing but a strong link between morals and thought, and the heavenly religions stress the importance of friendship and fraternal relations based on love and righteousness, and friendship is a great gift to man.

Many people find it easy to make many friends, but they realize that it is difficult to find true friends who will stand by them during the hardships of life, and God has blessed some people with the blessing of true friendship, if His blessing is on you with true friends, you are really one of the lucky people.

Given the importance of friendship, there are a lot of stories and tales that talk about, and some of these stories are valid for every time and place, and others are based on personal experiences, and there are stories that are just tales of imagination, yet there is one thing in common in each of them is that the important thing in them all It is morals. That is why we should not let small disagreements affect our friendship.

The story of Jay and Vijay

There were two friends who lived in a small village near Jaipur called Jai and Vijay, and they were friends since childhood and were studying at a college with each other, and this college was far from their place of residence, and they had to cross river and hills and pass over sandy areas to be able to go to college together. One rainy day, Jay and Vijay had to walk to college as usual, and on their way they were discussing what they had learned about atomic theory in college. They differed in their views, which led to sharp discussions between them that reached the use of vulgar vulgar language.

In a fit of anger, Jay slapped Vijay, then Vijay was shocked by his friend and got angry and wrote on the sand, "Today my best friend slapped me." Then they both continued walking towards the college in clear silence. On their way they reached the river which was overflowing and they had to cross it, Vijay walked towards the river knowing that he could not swim, he started to drown, and with the force of the water flowing and the flood he felt as if the river would take him forever.

Jay saw his friend drowning and without thinking jumped into the river to save him, and was able to pull him up and help him regain his breath normally. When Vijay recovered and got up, he wrote on his way to the hill: "Today my best friend saved my life."

Jay was surprised and asked his friend: Why did you write on the sand when I slapped you? And why did you write on Capitol hill when I saved your life? Vijay replied: My friend, we must forget the mistake we make to each other, and I wrote in the sand because words will be erased at any time, but if any friend of his friend does something good, he must remember it and write it on the stones so that it stays forever. Then Jay Vijay hugged and made their way to college as if nothing had happened.