Steps To Writing A Scientific Research
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Steps To Writing A Scientific Research |
The process of preparing scientific research consists of several stages, no part of which can be overlooked, each part represents an important element to show the research in a reliable scientific manner.
7 Steps to Writing a Scientific Research
1. Choose A Topic
This stage is one of the most important stages of scientific research preparation, based on which one topic is chosen from among many topics. After defining the topic, the title of the research is selected, which is required to be brief, clear, expressive, and not subject to interpretation. The selection of the topic must be based on several bases, including:
- The extent of the subject's searchability.
- The importance of the topic and its usefulness to society and its specialists.
- Find out if the subject is old and outdated or new.
- The type of solutions it will provide; Practical or humane?
- The possibility of the researcher completing his studies on that topic.
- Availability of sources and references, ease of gathering information, and ensuring its accuracy.
2. Troubleshooting
The problem in scientific research is the basis of research, and it is the prerequisite for conducting scientific research. After defining the topic to be researched, the main problem is determined in it, based on practical experiences, readings, studies, or research that the researcher is familiar with, and then formulates in the form of a clear, specific, and understandable statement or question.
3. Scientific Material Collection
The researcher resorts to collecting material from several sources to obtain rich scientific material, as the researcher can search for theoretical sources of information such as books and documented scientific articles. Or through field information through a questionnaire, personal interviews, or by conducting tests to be given to a certain group to obtain suggested solutions, or by observation, which is one of the tools that the researcher uses to collect information by engaging in the problem.
And because the sources that can be used are diverse and multiple, the researcher may collect information in a random manner, which leads to wasted effort, and not obtaining the information to be obtained. Therefore, before starting to collect information, the researcher must follow the following:
- Determine the intended data source.
- Determine the appropriate and effective means of data collection.
- Knowing how to obtain the appropriate means of research.
- Compare with other methods and determine the most efficient method.
4. Data Organization and Analysis
After collecting the data that serves the specific problem, the researcher uses several methods to organize the data and information, such as tables, figures, or graphs, or he may use statistical methods such as the arithmetic mean median, and others. These methods help the researcher to organize the information to get the best results.
5. Determination of Results
The researcher arrives at the results after his comprehensive study of the research topic, and this is the stage in which he finds answers to the questions that he posed at the beginning of the research. And when presented, it must be explained and clarified, and supported by the scientific steps that the researcher reached to his results, and the supposed results should be arranged according to a logical sequence, with a presentation of the evidence that supports the results of the research.
6. Edit Research
The researcher should adhere to the smoothness of expression, the accuracy in the choice of words, and the avoidance of redundancy and repetition. It must also take into account the placement of punctuation marks, for the safety of spelling, grammar, and the correct use of tenses. It is important to clarify strange words, strange places, and other things that may confuse the reader, in addition to documenting all the information mentioned with its sources, using various documentation methods.
7. Writing a Research
The research may end with a huge amount of information and results, which are written on cards prepared for research, so that the researcher takes the important step to organize his research within a specific coordinating framework consisting of many parts, including the introduction and conclusion.
The introduction constitutes 5-10% of the volume of the study, and it is the part that follows dedication and thanks and includes in its content:
- Presenting the problem and placing it in a time and place frame.
- Determine the objectives of the study.
- Study form.
- View previous studies.
- Determine the methodology used to solve the problem.
- Clarify the research methods used.
- Procedural terms
It is the last part of the research thesis, which presents the final result reached by the researcher in his study, and shows the rulings and answers, while the introduction contains the main topic of the research, along with some research topics in a concise manner, the conclusion must be characterized by containing ideas arranged clearly And in a direct and strong formulation, taking into account the use of sentences and phrases that give the reader an impression of the end of the research.
Research Coordinate
Before printing the research, the research content is subject to a format that takes into account the following:
- Index of Contents: The index helps save time and facilitates access to information.
- Pagination: The numbering begins after the title page and signatures.
- Sources and references: They are placed after the research is complete, and they include all the sources that the researcher used in his research.
Characteristics of Scientific Research
When writing scientific research, it is taken into account to adhere to some of the general characteristics of the research, so that it appears professional, free of weakness or imbalance between the content and the method used in formulating the information. Among the most important characteristics that must be taken into account when writing research:
1. Objectivity: This means that the researcher writes the topic, solutions, and results objectively, free of bias, or adherence to an idea or personal belief.
2. Optional and accurate: We mean by this that the results of the research are demonstrable, and the information must be accurate and from reliable sources.
3. Logical: When proposing specific solutions, they must be subject to the rules and principles derived from the scientific methodology.
4. Simplification and abbreviation: where the researcher shows all the information and solutions he reached in his study, but shortly by choosing the most important points related to the problem.
5. Scientific honesty: the researcher documents all information with its sources, and states opinions and ideas accurately.
Steps To Write A Search
1. Choosing a topic, as it is the first step of scientific research; Where the topic is specific and not general, i.e. in a specific field or aspect, and it is under the supervision of the supervising doctor.
2. Searching for references and sources, In this step, any sources or references related to the topic to be written about are collected, which are sufficient and comprehensive, read these references and take notes from them. Sources and references to include the following:
- General encyclopedias.
- Periodicals and indexes.
- Specialized encyclopedias.
- Books, articles, and newspapers.
- Internet.
3. Codify basic data sources and develop main ideas; This is done through the use of cards and assigning each card to a main point for recording important information in the study, summarizing ideas, and mentioning the source, author, article title, page, and other data.
4. Collecting and arranging ideas: After collecting sufficient information regarding the topic, the process of arranging them begins according to the sequence of ideas that were summarized on the cards. Set, which includes the following parts:
- An introduction that includes the main idea of the topic.
- The content, is the main part of the research, i.e. the essence of the topic, as it contains most of the research information and is arranged and organized in the form of chapters and chapters.
- The conclusion is the result or summary of the research and includes the final results that have been reached.
- Tables, a list of statistical tables.
- Appendices, such as questionnaires and important documents about the research.
The Importance of Scientific Research
All scientific and literary fields are concerned with scientific research, because:
- Recording the latest findings of human thought in a field or subject.
- Highlighting the truth in a particular topic, addressing a problem, and developing solutions to it, whether in cultural, political, social, or other fields.
- Presenting discoveries, developing machines, or some particular theories.
- Providing interest and awareness through reliable information that is put into research.
- Assisting in the advancement of society and increasing its development and growth to keep pace with the civilized development of nations.