Words that start with D

Words that start with D

Words that start with D
Words that start with D

When you mention "D of English," I'm assuming you are referring to the "D" sound in English phonetics. The "D" sound is a voiced consonant that belongs to the plosive category. It is produced by the tongue touching the alveolar ridge (the ridge behind the upper teeth) and releasing a burst of air as the vocal cords vibrate.

Here are some key features and examples of the "D" sound in English:

Voiced: The "D" sound is voiced, meaning the vocal cords vibrate during its production. To feel the difference between a voiced and voiceless sound, you can place your fingers lightly on your throat. When producing the "D" sound, you should feel a vibration.

Plosive: The "D" sound is a plosive consonant, which means it is produced by completely blocking the airflow and then releasing it. In the case of "D," the airflow is blocked by the tongue against the alveolar ridge, and then released with a burst when the tongue moves away.

Alveolar: The "D" sound is an alveolar consonant, meaning it is articulated with the tongue against the alveolar ridge. The bony ridge behind the upper teeth is known as the alveolar ridge.

Examples of words with the "D" sound:

  • "Day" /deɪ/
  • "Dog" /dɒɡ/
  • "Door" /dɔːr/
  • "Dance" /dæns/
  • "Dress" /drɛs/
  • "Red" /rɛd/

It's important to note that the pronunciation of the "D" sound can vary slightly depending on its position in a word or the surrounding sounds. However, the key features mentioned above generally hold true.

Here are 166 words that start with the letter "D":

  1. Dabble
  2. Daffodil
  3. Dainty
  4. Dairy
  5. Daisy
  6. Dalmatian
  7. Dam
  8. Damage
  9. Damask
  10. Dame
  11. Damp
  12. Dance
  13. Dandelion
  14. Dandy
  15. Danger
  16. Dangerous
  17. Dapper
  18. Dare
  19. Dark
  20. Darling
  21. Dart
  22. Dash
  23. Dashing
  24. Data
  25. Database
  26. Date
  27. Daughter
  28. Dawn
  29. Day
  30. Daylight
  31. Dazzle
  32. Dazzling
  33. Dead
  34. Deadly
  35. Deaf
  36. Deal
  37. Dealer
  38. Dear
  39. Death
  40. Debate
  41. Debt
  42. Debtor
  43. Debug
  44. Decade
  45. Decay
  46. Deceive
  47. December
  48. Decide
  49. Decision
  50. Deck
  51. Declare
  52. Decline
  53. Decorate
  54. Decoration
  55. Decorative
  56. Decrease
  57. Dedicate
  58. Dedication
  59. Deed
  60. Deep
  61. Deer
  62. Defeat
  63. Defend
  64. Defense
  65. Defiance
  66. Define
  67. Definition
  68. Definite
  69. Deflate
  70. Deflection
  71. Deft
  72. Deftly
  73. Defy
  74. Degree
  75. Deity
  76. Delay
  77. Delegate
  78. Delete
  79. Delicate
  80. Delicious
  81. Delight
  82. Delightful
  83. Delirious
  84. Deliver
  85. Delivery
  86. Delusion
  87. Demand
  88. Democracy
  89. Demolish
  90. Demonstrate
  91. Denial
  92. Dense
  93. Dental
  94. Dentist
  95. Deny
  96. Department
  97. Departure
  98. Depend
  99. Depict
  100. Deplete
  101. Deposit
  102. Depress
  103. Depression
  104. Depth
  105. Deputy
  106. Derail
  107. Derive
  108. Descend
  109. Describe
  110. Description
  111. Desert
  112. Deserve
  113. Design
  114. Designer
  115. Desire
  116. Desk
  117. Desolate
  118. Despair
  119. Desperate
  120. Desperation
  121. Destination
  122. Destiny
  123. Destroy
  124. Destruction
  125. Detail
  126. Detective
  127. Detour
  128. Devastate
  129. Develop
  130. Development
  131. Device
  132. Devil
  133. Devote
  134. Devotion
  135. Dial
  136. Diameter
  137. Diamond
  138. Diary
  139. Dice
  140. Dictionary
  141. Dictate
  142. Dictator
  143. Diction
  144. Didactic
  145. Die
  146. Diet
  147. Differ
  148. Difference
  149. Different
  150. Difficult
  151. Difficulty
  152. Dig
  153. Digest
  154. Digestion
  155. Digital
  156. Dignity
  157. Dilemma
  158. Diligent
  159. Dilute
  160. Dimension
  161. Diminish
  162. Dine
  163. Diner
  164. Dingy
  165. Dinner
  166. Dinosaur