Common English sentences used in daily life

Common English sentences used in daily life

Common English sentences used in daily life

There are many ways to learn English, but I have chosen the best way to learn, which is through sentences that I have experience with it, so you can try this my methods , but you should use them daily or discuss with a friend, so in this article consists of 135 English sentences common daily usedI hope it will be useful.

135 English sentences used in daily life

Here are 135 useful sentences that are used daily:

1- I am tied up
2- long time no see 
3- a penny saved is a penny earned 
4- break the ice with me 
5- are you bilingual 
6- This is a win-win situation 
7-  I cannot bear this situation

8- he is very handsome and smart 
9- I am green with envy 
10- when in Rome do what Romans do
11- hope you prosper 
12- I am visiting relatives
13- Follow us to understand English better 
14- have you ever driven aggressively 
15- we help you with no discrimination
16- she wanted to crack me up 
17- I failed to see her but it is a blessing in disguise 18- I miss you my darling
19- have you ever been to Australia 
20- I do not let him go astray 
21- do you prefer milk or tea
22- do you fancy taking close-ups
23- the leaders lined their pockets up with our fortune 
24- so long
25- screw up 
26- do the dishes soon 
27- have a nice day 
28- I will call you29- how to ameliorate my speaking
30- having blast with friends refreshes your mind
31- Carry your plan out soon
32- do not be fuddy-duddy
33- don't talk behind my back
34- never gossip
35- never try to commit suicide 
36- I saw an alligator yesterday
37- I disgust him for his bad behavior 
38- What can I do for you39- She smiled and felt a blush 
40- She winked at me 
41- she devoted her time to helping others 
42- Dedicate your time to me
43- never say never
44- try not to cry over the split milk
45- abide by my rules 
46- wait a minute
47- he never feels flush when he talks
48- he went angry
49- death keeps no calendar 50- don't get me w
51- Haste makes waste
52- Where can I see crocodiles
53- take care of yourself
54- he failed to see me so he cried like a baby
55- Once I was in British, I tried to pay her a visit 
56- There is something fishy
57- Clarify what you just illustrated 
58- Do you have special talents59- Let bygones are bygones
60- stop saying that
61- can I visit you next week or tomorrow?
62- She eats like a bird
63- She can eat a horse 
64- Hesitation should be avoided
65- stop talking, please
66- Are you into learning with Sam67 - We will provide students with books.
68- If you want happiness, don't lose hope
69- Do not be delinquent otherwise, we will hit you
70- He didn't know where to go
71- Where can I find some new books?
72- I agree with you
73-You'd better hit the books to pass the exam
74- Why are you barefoot? Are you poor
75- Start from yourself then change other's bad behavior76- Can this website spur you about the learning process
77- it's up to you 
78- Get out of my eyes
79- Let's go, don't be so chicken
80- She is full of beans
81- He does not have a bean
82- I call a spade a spade
83- We had a good time
84- I am running short of time
85- You look stunning86- Look before you leap
87-I will handle it
88- she is no more Mr. nice guy
89- I am on cloud nine
90- I am under the weather
91- I feel blue 
92- Let's negotiate about the problem
93- He is feeling in the pink
94- I feel like a million dollars95-  He is handsome, isn't he
96- Avoid smoking in public places
97- I won't vow 
98- I feel isolated
99- Don't be pig-headed
100- She is doctoring all the time
101- I am obliged
102- The clever boy asked for the hand of a beautiful girl
103-Being stubborn never helps
104- The past is the past 105- Don't let the dog out of the bag
106- She refused my suggestion
107-  I use the best method of teaching
108- Telephones have become good means of communicationتەلە
109-The latest posts are newsy
110-She seems to be unhappy
111- she is the best girl I have ever seen
112-I have not seen him for ages
113- he tried to betray me but did not manage to do so114- Howdy 
115- Go with the flow 
116- she ended up sad with the sad news 
117- can you please carry my bags
118-Do not commit serious crimes 
119-He made a minor offense
120- He was sacked yesterday from work
121- Don't disobey otherwise you will be fired from the job 122- Fight for your everlasting happiness
123- She screamed at once 
124- don't worry everything will be okay
125- The disease takes me down
126- You should take shots to have a speedy recovery
127- he could not help me because his English is broken
128- Cool your jet 
129- I wish you happiness 130- I want to take a taxi 
131- The more the merrier
132- She said: I will sleep on it 
133- I ran into a chemist and we talked about you 
134- what do you mean
135- Be confident