Numbers in English

Numbers in English

Numbers in English

The cardinal numbers (one, two, three, etc.) are adjectives denoting quantity, and the ordinal numbers (first, second, third, etc.) are used for distribution or classification.

Cardinal numbers/Ordinal numbers

1/ one/ first

2/ two /second

3/ three/ third

4/ four/ fourth

5/ five /fifth

6/ six/ sixth

7/ seven /seventh

8/ eight /eighth

9/ nine/ ninth

10/ten/ tenth

11/ eleven /eleventh

12/ twelve/ twelfth

13 /thirteen /thirteenth

14 /fourteen/ fourteenth

15/ fifteen/fifteenth

16/ sixteen/ sixteenth

17 /seventeen /seventeenth

18 /eighteen/eighteenth

19/ nineteen /nineteenth

20 /twenty/ twentieth

21/twenty-one /twenty-first

22/ twenty-two/ twenty-second

23/ twenty-three/ twenty-third

24 /twenty-four/ twenty-fourth

25/ twenty-five /twenty-fifth

26/ twenty-six twenty-sixth

27 /twenty-seven /twenty-seventh

28 twenty-eight twenty-eighth

29/ twenty-nine /twenty-ninth

30 /thirty /thirtieth

31/ thirty-one /thirty-first

40/ forty/fortieth

50/fifty /fifty

60 /sixty/sixtieth

70 /seventy /seventieth

80 /eighty /eighth

90/ ninety/ninetieth

100 /one hundred/ hundredth

500 /five hundred /five hundredth

1,000 /one thousand/thousandth

1,500/ one thousand five hundred, or fifteen hundred/one thousand five hundredth

100,000/ one hundred thousand/one hundred thousandth

1,000,000/one million/millionth

Reading decimal numbers

Decimals are read in English by saying the word "point" for the decimal point and then reading each number separately. Note that money amounts are not read this way.

0.5 /point five

0.25 /point two five

0.73/ point seven three

0.05/ point zero five

0.6529/ point six five two nine 

2.95 /two point nine five

Reading fractions

Fractions are read by using a cardinal for the numerator and an ordinal for the denominator, and the ordinal number for the denominator in the plural if the numerator is greater than 1. This rule applies to all numbers except 2, where it reads "half" if The numerator is 1 or reads "halves" if the numerator is greater than 1.

1/3 one third

3/4 three fourths

5/6 five sixths

1/2 one half

3/2 three half

Read money

To read an amount of money in English, read the entire number and add the name of the currency at the end. If the number contains a decimal point, skip the decimal point and read the digits that follow as one. If the fraction of the coin has a name, add that name at the end. Note that regular decimal numbers are not read this way as these rules only apply to currencies.

25$/ twenty-five dollars

52€/ fifty-two euros

140₤ /one hundred and forty pounds

$43.25/ forty-three dollars and twenty-five cents (shortened to "forty-three twenty-five" in everyday speech)

€12.66 /twelve euros sixty-six

₤10.50 /ten pounds fifty

Measurements pronunciation

Read the number and then follow it as the unit of measure, which is often abbreviated.

60m/ sixty meters

25km/h twenty-five kilometers per hour

11ft/ eleven feet

2L/ two liters

3tbsp /three tablespoons

1tsp /one teaspoon

Years pronunciation

Reading the years in English is rather complicated. In general, when the year has four numbers, read the first two numbers as one and then the other two numbers as one as well. There are limited exceptions to this rule. Years within the first 100 millenniums can be read as a single digit even though they are four digits long, or they can be read as two digits. Millenniums are read as number one because it is difficult to pronounce it otherwise. New centuries are read as the number one in the hundreds. We don't use the word "thousand" when reading years, or at least when reading years within the past 1,000 years.

For years with only three numbers it can be read as three separate numbers or read the first number alone followed by the other two numbers. Years with only two digits are read as a single digit. You can add the words "the year" when reading the years to clarify the meaning, and this is very common with two or three digit years. Years before birth are followed by the letters BC, and these two letters are pronounced the way the letters of the alphabet are.

Note that these rules apply to reading street addresses as well.

2014 /twenty fourteen or two thousand fourteen

2008 /two thousand eight

2000 /two thousand

1944 /nineteen forty-four

1908 /nineteen o eight

1900/nineteen hundred

1600/sixteen hundred

1256/ twelve fifty-six

1006/ten o six

866/ eight hundred sixty-six or eight sixty-six

25/ twenty-five

3000 BC/ three thousand BC

3250 BC/ thirty two fifty BC

Zero reading (0)

There are many ways in which we can read the zero (0) depending on the context in which it is used. Unfortunately, the way the zero is pronounced and used in English-speaking countries may differ depending on each country. The following table shows the pronunciation rules for the number zero in American English.

Pronunciation use

Zero /is pronounced like this when reading the number itself, when reading decimals, percentages, phone numbers, and some other constant expressions.

O/ (as the letter o is pronounced) when reading years, addresses, times, and temperatures

Nil /is pronounced like this with the results of sports matches

Naught /This pronunciation is not used in the United States