English vocabulary for beginners

English vocabulary for beginners

English vocabulary for beginners

If you want to learn English and communicate with native speakers as quickly as possible, then starting to learn basic words will greatly help you to understand the English (English-speaking) world around you. You will be able to understand general guidelines, directions, everyday topics, and conversations in English, as well as answer various questions that may be put to you in English. In today's article, we have collected for you a list of English words for beginners that includes more than 340 words in the English language with their meanings, arranged in alphabetical order. Let's get to know it then and put you on the beginning of the path to mastering the English language.

Definitions in English 

The indefinite and indefinite articles in the English language are the tools that are used to indicate whether a specific noun is specific or not, and they are three: 

  • The: to define. 
  • A: To disguise.
  • An: To disguise nouns that start with a vowel. 

Important English verbs 

They are words that indicate the occurrence of a certain thing or show the relationship between two things. Here is a list of the most famous and most important verbs in the English language.

  1.  Accept
  2.  Act
  3.  Add
  4.  Admit
  5.  Affect
  6.  Agree
  7.  Allow
  8.  Appear 
  9. Apply
  10.  Approach
  11.  Argue
  12.  Arrive
  13. Assume
  14. Attack
  15.  Avoid
  16. morning 
  17. Begin
  18. Believe
  19. Benefit
  20. Bring 
  21. Build
  22. Buy
  23. Call
  24. Can
  25. Carry
  26. Change
  27. Charging
  28. Catch
  29. Cause 
  30. Challenge
  31. Check
  32. Choose
  33. Claim
  34. Come
  35.  Compare
  36.  Concern
  37. Contain
  38. Continue
  39. Control
  40. Cost 
  41. Could
  42. Cover
  43. Create
  44. Cut
  45. Decide 
  46. Describe
  47. Design
  48. Determine
  49. Develop
  50. Die
  51. Discover
  52. Discuss
  53. Do
  54. Draw
  55.  Dream
  56. Drive
  57. Drop
  58.  Eat
  59. Enjoy 
  60. Enter
  61.  Establish
  62. Expect
  63. Explain
  64. Face
  65. Fail
  66. Fall
  67. Feel
  68. Fight
  69. Fill
  70. Film
  71. Find
  72. Finish
  73. Fish 
  74. Fly 
  75. Focus
  76. Follow
  77. Forget
  78. Form
  79. Fund
  80. Get
  81. Give
  82. Go
  83. Grow
  84. Guess
  85. Suppose 
  86. Hang 
  87. Happen
  88. Have
  89. Hear
  90. Help 
  91. Hit
  92. Hold
  93. Identify 
  94. Imagine
  95. Improve
  96. Include
  97. Increase
  98. Indicate
  99. Involve
  100. Join
  101. Keep
  102. Kill
  103. Know
  104. Laugh
  105. Lay
  106. Lead
  107. Learn
  108. learn
  109. Leave
  110. Let
  111. Allow 
  112. Lie
  113. Light
  114. light
  115.  Like
  116. Listen 
  117. Live
  118.  Look
  119.  Lose
  120.  Love
  121.  love 
  122. Maintain 
  123. Make 
  124. manage 
  125. Meaning
  126. Measure 
  127. Meet
  128. Mention
  129.  Miss
  130. Move
  131. Must
  132. Need
  133. Notice
  134. Occur
  135. Offer
  136. Open
  137. Order
  138. Own
  139. Pay
  140.  Play
  141. Prepare
  142. Present 
  143.  Prevent 
  144. Protect
  145. Prove
  146. Reach
  147. Read
  148.  Realize 
  149. Receive
  150. Recognize
  151. Recognize
  152.  Record
  153. Remember
  154. Remove
  155. Require
  156. Research
  157. Respond
  158.  Return
  159. Rule
  160. Run 
  161. Save
  162. Say
  163. See
  164. Seem
  165. Sell
  166. Sen
  167. Shake 
  168. Share
  169. Share
  170. Sing
  171. Speak
  172. Talk
  173.  talking 
  174. Teach
  175.  Tell
  176. Test
  177. Throw 
  178. Travel
  179.  try 
  180. Understand
  181. Visit
  182. Wait
  183.  Walk 
  184. Want
  185.  Watch
  186. Wear
  187.  Win
  188. Wonder 
  189. Work
  190. Worry
  191. Write

Third: Important English names

Nouns are words that express a thing, person, or place. Here is a list of the most famous and common nouns in the English language

  1. Account
  2. Action
  3. Address
  4.  Administration
  5. Age
  6. Agency
  7. Agent
  8.  Agreement
  9. Air
  10.  Amount
  11. Amount
  12.  Analysis
  13.  Animal 
  14. Answer
  15.  Area
  16. Arm
  17.  Art
  18.  Article
  19.  Artist
  20. Attention
  21. Attorney
  22. Audience
  23. Author
  24. Baby
  25. Back
  26. Bag
  27. Ball
  28. Bank
  29.  Bar
  30. Base 
  31. Bed
  32. Behavior
  33. Bill
  34. Billion
  35. Black
  36. Blood
  37. Blue
  38. Board
  39. Body
  40. Book
  41. Box
  42. Break
  43. Brother
  44. Budget
  45. Building
  46. Business 
  47. Camera
  48. Campaign
  49. Century
  50. Chance 
  51. Character
  52. Child
  53. Choice 
  54. Church
  55. Church
  56. Citizen
  57. City
  58. Class
  59.  Coach
  60. Collection
  61. Collection
  62. College
  63. Color
  64. Community
  65. Company
  66. Computer
  67. Condition
  68. Conference
  69. Congress 
  70. Consumer
  71. Country
  72. Couple
  73. Course
  74. Court
  75. Culture
  76. Cup
  77. Customer
  78. Data
  79. Daughter
  80. Day
  81. Deal
  82. Death
  83. Debate
  84. Decade
  85. Decision
  86.  Defense
  87. Degree
  88. Democrat
  89. Details
  90. Difference
  91. Dinner
  92. Direction
  93. Director 
  94. Discussion 
  95. Disease Doctor
  96. Doctor
  97. Dog 
  98. Door
  99.  Drug 
  100. East
  101. Half
  102. Hand
  103. Head
  104. Health
  105. Heart
  106. Heat
  107. Home
  108. Hope
  109. Hospital
  110.  Hotel
  111. Hour
  112. House
  113. Hundred
  114. Husband
  115. Idea
  116. Image
  117. Impact 
  118. Individual 
  119. Industry
  120. Information
  121. Institution
  122. Interest
  123. Interview
  124.  Investment
  125. Issue
  126. Item
  127. Job
  128. Key
  129.  Kid
  130. Kitchen
  131.  knowledge
  132. Land 

What is the best way to memorize the most important words of the English language? 

Now you may be wondering, how can I memorize so many words and keep them in my mind without forgetting them?  

First of all, remember that these previous words are among the most common words in the English language, and therefore you will hear and see them often during your daily conversations or while watching English programs, which will greatly contribute to cementing them in your mind. However, there is no harm in following these tips: 

1. Start by saving each group separately

 Instead of trying to memorize the thousand words together, break them into smaller groups according to the alphabet, for example, or memorize 10 words each day. This way, you give yourself enough time to familiarize yourself with the words, their meanings, and their uses, which will help you remember them.

2. Rely on your own learning style and benefit from it

Each of us has a special way or a certain pattern through which he remembers the things he learns, so what is the learning style that suits you? Learn about it and use it to memorize these words. For example, you can rewrite these words on a piece of paper or notebook, or draw a picture that expresses each word. You can also record these words and hear them over and over again on your phone. Choose your learning styles and use them to ensure you learn these words faster. And in case you don't know what really works for you, feel free to read our article on different learning styles. 

3. Use the dictionary

It is undoubtedly important to have a dictionary (paper, electronic or online) with you during the study process, because it helps you: Understanding the meanings: Each of the above words has different meanings, and we have mentioned here only the most common meanings. Pronunciation: Electronic dictionaries allow you to listen to the pronunciation of a word in order to memorize it correctly. How to use it in the sentence: through examples and sentences that show how each of the above words is used in different contexts.

4. Enjoy learning 

You won't be able to remember any information that you force yourself to learn, so don't bother memorizing if you're not really enjoying what you're learning. Always motivate yourself when you are bored and frustrated while studying. And make the learning process fun. Choose fun ways to learn. For example, compose songs or stories from the words you have learned so that they remain in your memory and use them in your daily life with your friends and family so that you do not forget them. Tell us through the comments how many words you found yourself familiar with even before you read the article, and don't forget to check out the various articles on English and other languages ​​on Learn. Also feel free to register on our website and have a look at the free language and literature courses available on the chance.