Legal Terminology

Legal Terminology 

Legal Terminology

This lesson is important for those who are at a higher level than beginners in the English language, especially those who work in the law department or who want to learn legal terminology as we understand the most important legal terms that are commonly used and often used in courts and work-related legal matters, so I advise you to memorize this Terminology by heart, both orally and in writing.

List Of Legal Terminology 

  • Aggression
  • Arbitration
  • Arm Conflict
  • Attorney, Lawyer, Advocate
  • Bilateral ties
  • Budget
  • Burden of proof
  • Collective Security
  • Common Heritage
  • Competence
  • Constitution, Basic Law
  • Court of Appeal
  • Court of Cassation
  • Court of first-instant
  • Crimes against Humanity
  • Harm, damage
  • Compensation
  • Defendant
  • Displaced
  • Dispute
  • Disputes settlement
  • Enact, legislate, and pass a law
  • Executive authority
  • Freedom to Navigation
  • General Assembly
  • Genocide
  • Good Faith
  • Government
  • Damage, harm
  • High Court of Justice
  • High Seas
  • House of Representatives
  • House of Senates, the upper house, Congress
  • International Borders
  • International Court of Justice
  • International Criminal Court or (Tribunal)
  • Judicature litigation
  • Judicial authority
  • Law Legislation, Act, Bill, Draft, Code, Statute
  • Legality is legitimacy
  • Legislative authority
  • Liability, responsibility
  • Litigation, action, case, plea, proceedings
  • Magistrates Court
  • Mediation
  • Minister
  • Ministry
  • Negligence
  • Negotiation
  • Occupation
  • Plaintiff
  • Prime Minister
  • Penalty, sanction, Punishment
  • Refugee
  • Regulations
  • Resolution
  • Right of self-determination
  • Right to Return
  • Royal Decree
  • Security Council
  • State Security Court
  • Territorial Sea
  • Territory
  • Tort, harmful act, tort
  • United Nations
  • Veto objection
  • Violate – Infringe violates or breaches
  • War crime
  • Weapons of Mass Distraction
  • Abettor or aider
  • Accused or defendant
  • Adultery is the crime of adultery
  • Aggravating circumstances
  • Arrest arrests
  • Under arrest
  • Assault
  • Breach of trust
  •  Death penalty
  • Conspiracy
  • Conviction
  • Counterfeiting of coin
  • Crime, Offense
  • Criminal intent
  • Criminalize
  • Defamation
  • Embezzlement
  • Extortion
  • Felony is a felony
  • Fine  
  • Fraud scam
  • Guilty
  • Hard labor
  • Homicide
  • Imprisonment
  • Innocent is innocent
  • Instigator
  • Justifying circumstances or reasons
  • kidnapping
  • Manslaughter killed a mistake
  • Misdemeanor
  • Mitigating circumstances
  • Money laundry, The crime of money laundering
  • murder
  • Perpetrator, An actor, or perpetrator
  • Prosecutor, Attorney General
  • Punishment, Sanction, penalty
  • Rape
  • Right to self-defense
  • Right to silence
  • Robbery (usually with violence)
  • Sexual harassment
  • Theft
  • Treason
  • Verdict, A court, or jury decision
  • The victim is a victim or victim
  • Acceptance
  • Age of majority
  • Agency
  • Beneficial act
  • Causation (causal link)
  • Contract
  • Custom
  • Damage
  • Duress compulsion
  • An endowment (donation) is a gift
  • fairness (justice or equity)
  • False oath
  • False testimony
  • Insurance
  • Judicial precedents
  • Jurisprudence
  • Jurisprudence
  • Lease rent
  • Legal capacity
  • Legislation
  • Liability is a responsibility
  • Litigation
  • Minor
  • Mistake
  • Mortgage
  • Obligation
  • Offer positive
  • Promise
  • Property (ownership)
  • Sale of good
  • Shira's law
  • Tort
  • Tortious act
  • Unilateral act
  • Unjustified enrichment