160 Accounting Terms You Should Know

160 Accounting Terms You Should Know

160 Accounting Terms You Should Know

Accounting terms in English and the most important accounting words and administrative terms in English for students and researchers in the field of accounting and cost accounting. We present it distinctly so that the reader can fully benefit from it, and be able to excel and distinguish among his peers.

Accounting terms and banking terms in English, we present them accurately in an organized and easy way for the students of the Faculty of Commerce to benefit from and everyone who seeks to educate himself and be familiar with the largest number of accounting terms, as well as everything that concerns the reader of economic terms and accounting words in English.

List of Accounting Terms

  1. Active circulation
  2. Activity charge
  3. Advice of dispatch
  4. Attached account
  5. Acceptable outgoing quality level
  6. Advice of dispatch
  7. Advice of shipment
  8. Abandoned clause
  9. Abandoned value
  10. Abatement of taxes
  11. Abolition of private property
  12. Above bar
  13. Accelerated premium
  14. Acceptable outgoing quality
  15. Acceptance of protested bill
  16. Accumulating society
  17. Acid-test ratio
  18. Across-the board-measures
  19. Acting partner
  20. Active bond
  21. Active capital
  22. Active circulation
  23. Active opening
  24. Activity charge
  25. Administration flow chart
  26. Administrative hierarchy
  27. Admission to stocks to quotation
  28. Advance upon securities
  29. Advice of dispatch
  30. Advice of shipment
  31. Agio exchange commission
  32. Annuity
  33. Anticipated price trend
  34. Assessable capital stock
  35. Assigned Stock
  36. Assignment for benefit of creditors
  37. Association clause
  38. Assumed bond
  39. At market price
  40. At the close
  41. At the opening price
  42. Attached account
  43. Ballooning
  44. Delivery of domestic consumption
  45. Bank consortium
  46. Bank deposits
  47. Bank draft
  48. Bank for international settlements
  49. Bank house
  50. Bank lien
  51. Bank merger
  52. Bank minimum lending rate
  53. Bank money order
  54. Bank money order
  55. Bank of mortgage
  56. Bankable bill of exchange
  57. Banker's lien
  58. Drawn bankrupt
  59. Bankrupt drawer
  60. Bankrupt security
  61. Bankrupt trustee
  62. Bargain counter
  63. Bargain money
  64. Bargain price
  65. Bargain sales
  66. Bargainer 
  67. Bargaining
  68. Bill of Lading (B/L)
  69. Bills in a set
  70. Bills retired
  71. Black exchange rates
  72. Black market rates
  73. Blank transfer
  74. Blanket policy
  75. blue chip stock
  76. Blue-sky bargaining
  77. Bond coupon
  78. Bond dividend
  79. Bonding company
  80. Bonus issue
  81. Bootstrap leggings
  82. Borrow on mortgage
  83. Borrow on securities
  84. Borrowing-quota ratio
  85. Bouncing check
  86. Bounty on exportation
  87. Branded goods
  88. Break-up value
  89. Broken time
  90. Budget variance
  91. Bulk cargo
  92. Bull buying
  93. purchase
  94. Bumping
  95. Business statistics office
  96. Buy out
  97. Cable credit
  98. Call capital installment book
  99. Call capital
  100. Call deposit
  101. Call price
  102. Calls in advance
  103. Calls in arrears
  104. Canal tolls
  105. Capital levy
  106. Barter away
  107. Base coin
  108. Be in the black
  109. Be in the red
  110. Bear account
  111. Bear and bull
  112. Bear bill
  113. Bear down
  114. Bear operation
  115. Bearer securities
  116. Beggar-my-neighbor
  117. Bidding
  118. Bill of credit
  119. Bill of debt
  120. Bill of entry
  121. Cargo list
  122. Carriage forward
  123. Cartel
  124. Cascade-type tax
  125. Cash on receipt of merchandise
  126. Casualty and liability insurance
  127. Catching a bargain
  128. Chattels mortgage
  129. Chattels Mobile Money
  130. Chattels mortgage bond
  131. Cheap jack
  132. Check inflation
  133. Churning
  134. Claim adjuster
  135. Clean bill of Lading
  136. Clear off a mortgage
  137. Clear title
  138. Clearance of goods
  139. Closing stock
  140. Co-assurance
  141. Co-chairman
  142. Co-debtor
  143. Commercial Intelligence department
  144. Commission agent
  145. Commission house
  146. Commodity dollar
  147. Commodity promotion
  148. Compensation fee parcels
  149. Complaisance bond
  150. Comptroller
  151. Constant returns
  152. Consumer durables
  153. Cover-all clause
  154. Crawling Peg
  155. Credit balance reutilized
  156. credit rating
  157. Credit rating
  158. Crash
  159. Credit-roll over
  160. Credit squeeze