100 Math Symbols in English
Many operations in mathematics are carried out using mathematical symbols. The symbols make it easy to connect them to numerical numbers. It's interesting to consider how entirely dependent mathematics is on numbers and symbols. In addition to referring to various amounts, math symbols also show how two quantities relate to one another. All mathematical symbols serve the fundamental goal of carrying out mathematical operations under unique concepts.
Mathematics is the official name, as far as we know. It is defined as the science of computation, measurement, quantity, form, and structure. It is based on logic, mathematical calculations, and form analysis. Mathematics is defined purely by numbers and symbols, and mathematical dimensions include algebra, trigonometry, geometry, and number theory.
In mathematics, many symbols have predefined values. To simplify the equations, we may replace those values with those symbols. The pi symbol, for example, has a value of 3.14, or 22/7. The mathematical constant pi is the circumference-to-diameter ratio of a circle. In mathematics, the Pi sign is also known as the Archimedes constant. There is also the arithmetic symbol e, which has the value 2.718281828. This symbol is also known as Euler's constant or e-constant. All of the commonly used mathematical symbols are shown in the table below, along with their meanings and application examples.
Several mathematical symbols are crucial for students to understand. The collection of mathematical symbols is provided here with definitions and examples to make it easier to grasp. From the straightforward addition and idea signs to the intricate integration concept sign, there are many signs and symbols. The list of mathematical notations is presented in this case in tabular style, and they are grouped according to the concepts.
List of Common Mathematical Symbols
Here are 100 math symbols commonly used in English:
- + Addition
- − Subtraction
- × Multiplication
- ÷ Division
- = Equal to
- = Not equal to
- < Less than
- > Greater than
- ≤ Less than or equal to
- ≥ Greater than or equal to
- ≈ Approximately equal to
- ≡ Equivalent to
- ± Plus-minus
- x Multiplication dot
- % Percent
- π Pi
- θ Theta
- σ Sigma
- μ Mu
- Δ Delta
- ∇ Nabla (Del)
- ∞ Infinity
- ∀ For all
- ∃ There exists
- ⇒ Implies
- ↔ If and only if
- ¬ Not
- ∧ Logical AND
- ∨ Logical OR
- ⊕ Logical XOR
- ⟺ If and only if
- ≅ Congruent to
- ∥ Parallel to
- ⊥ Perpendicular to
- ∠ Angle
- △ Triangle
- ∘ Degree
- ∈ Belongs to (set membership)
- ⊂ Subset
- ⊃ Superset
- ⊆ Subset or equal to
- ⊇ Superset or equal to
- ∩ Intersection
- ∪ Union
- ∅ Empty set
- ∫ Integral
- ∮ Contour integral
- ∂ Partial derivative
- ∑ Summation
- ∏ Product
- → Right arrow
- ← Left arrow
- ↔ Left-right arrow
- ↦ Maps to
- ∞ Infinity
- ℵ Aleph (transfinite cardinal numbers)
- ∅ Empty set
- ∇ Nabla (Del)
- □ End of proof
- ⩽ Less than or equal to (slant variant)
- ⩾ Greater than or equal to (slant variant)
- ≡ Identical to (triple bar)
- ≅ Approximately equal to (tilde)
- ≈ Almost equal to (tilde)
- ∼ Similar to (tilde)
- ∝ Proportional to
- = Not equal to
- ∥ Parallel to
- ⊥ Perpendicular to
- ∣ Divides
- ∤ Does not divide
- → Right arrow
- ← Left arrow
- ↔ Left-right arrow
- ⇒ Implies
- ⇐ Implied by
- ⇔ If and only if
- ↑ Up arrow
- ↓ Down arrow
- ↕ Up-down arrow
- ↣ Right arrow with tail
- ↢ Left arrow with tail
- ↠ Right two-headed arrow
- ↞ Left two-headed arrow
- ∘ Degree
- ∠ Angle
- ≅ Congruent to
- ≃ Similar to
- ≈ Approximately equal to
- ≍ Almost equal to
- ≡ Equivalent to
- ≐ Defined as
- ⊂ Subset
- ⊃ Superset