Important legal terms that every translator should know

Important legal terms that every translator should know

Important legal terms that every translator should know
Important legal terms that every translator should know

If you have forgotten legal terms or are not sure what they mean, this guide may help you. It is also useful for law school students, legal translators, seasoned lawyers, and even ordinary people who have signed a legal document without understanding it (that's okay, some legal terms are difficult for even lawyers to understand).

The most important legal terms for translators

Before we start learning about the most commonly used legal terms, let us quickly familiarize ourselves with the sections of law and types of courts:

Law departments

  • Public Law
  • Private Law
  • International Public Law
  • Constitutional Law
  • Civil Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Financial Law
  • Administrative Law
  • Commercial Law
  • Work Law/Labor Law
  • Marine Law

The types of courts

  • The Court of Magistrates
  • Primary Court
  • Court of Appeal
  • Supreme Court
  • High Judicial Court
  • Military Court
  • Family Court

The most prominent legal terms are below:

The Court of Magistrates

It is a court of first instance in the judicial system and is specialized in hearing some simple civil and criminal cases that do not involve large sums of money, in addition to considering family law issues.

Court of First Instance

The Court of First Instance is the court that considers the initial procedures for civil or criminal cases. It is also a court with general jurisdiction over the courts of first instance and is concerned with examining cases assigned to it by law and cases for which the law has not specified another reference for consideration.

Court of Appeal

The Court of Appeal represents the second level of litigation. This court decides on appeals rulings issued by the courts of first instance (conciliation and first instance) and in other cases over which the law stipulates that it has jurisdiction.

Court of Cassation (Supreme Court)

The Court of Cassation has the highest authority among the courts, and it considers and decides on requests and appeals against the rulings and decisions issued by the courts of second instance (appeals), and its decisions are effective and not subject to appeal.

Court's Jurisdiction

The term jurisdiction of court refers to the power of a court to hear a case and issue a ruling. The court has jurisdiction over disputes brought before it. There are civil courts that specialize in civil cases, and there are criminal courts that specialize in criminal cases. Get a personal ID translation provided by Leaders.


A complaint is an official accusation or allegation, made orally or in writing by a person, stating that he has been subjected to an intentional wrongdoing or that his personal freedom has been infringed upon or violated. Submitting a complaint does not require a lawyer, as it is sufficient to submit it by going to a police station, the Ministry of Interior, or the Ministry of Justice.

Court Case Lawsuit

A lawsuit is a legal procedure in which a person sues another party in order to obtain compensation, so he hires a lawyer to register a lawsuit before the court.


It is the process of the judge’s evaluation of the evidence presented by the parties to the case, with the aim of determining the party with the right and the party who has the right, followed by making a decision based on the law. In short, it can be said that the trial is the conduct of the case before the court.


It is a legal process that includes defending cases or appeals before the court through one party presenting arguments and evidence and then the other party responding to them. During this process, lawyers aim to convince the court of the validity of their arguments and that their clients are the owners of the rights.

Court Hearing

It is a formal session held before the court in which the legal issues, testimonies, and arguments presented by the parties concerned are discussed, and it is led by the judge or judges, at the end of which they make the necessary legal decisions based on the information provided and the applicable laws. Get a passport translation provided by Leaders.

Court Decision

The decision is what the higher courts issue under their judicial authority during the course of the case.

Court Judgment

It is the final ruling issued by the court based on the judges’ examination of the case based on the laws, testimonies, and evidence provided. Through the decision, the court determines the rights and obligations of the parties concerned.

Case Lapse

It is a legal concept that refers to the expiration of the right to file a lawsuit due to the passage of a certain period of time.

That is, if a party has a legal right that allows him to claim his rights or file a lawsuit before the court and he does not do so within the time period specified by the law, then he loses his right to file a lawsuit or claim his rights.


The plaintiff is the person or legal entity that files a lawsuit in court. The plaintiff is also called the “claimant” or “claimant.”


It is the person or entity that the plaintiff is suing in the lawsuit and in the context of the judiciary and the court. The defendant is also called the “accused” in criminal cases or the “defendant” in civil cases. Read also: Who is a legal translator, what are his conditions, and what skills must he master?


It is in the presence of the criminally accused defendant to be informed of the charges against him and to read the charges against him in an official document. The accused, in turn, often provides a response to the accusation against him.


A legal procedure that allows the losing party in a case to appeal to a higher court to reconsider the decision of a lower court.

This procedure is also called an “appeal” or “petition.” The goal of an appeal is to review the previous decision and present new legal arguments or evidence to show that the decision was incorrect or unfair.


It is a form of appeal, specifically filed before the Court of Appeal with the intention of invalidating or amending a ruling issued by a court of first instance, such as the magistrate or first instance courts.


It is the party that filed an appeal against the ruling issued by the court of first instance. Get a translation of the marriage contract provided by Leaders Company.


The person or entity against whom the appellant filed the appeal.


A cassation appeal is a legal procedure submitted before the Court of Cassation, the Supreme Court, or a judicial body competent to consider cases for the purpose of canceling or amending a decision issued by the Court of Appeal.