800 Words with 14 Letters in English
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14 Letter Words in English |
Are you searching for a list of fourteen-letter words? Sometimes individuals need to come up with certain terminology. Maybe a student needs a verb, noun, or synonym for a paper. Perhaps a crossword problem is driving you insane. It focuses on 14-letter terms, which you're having trouble coming up with. It doesn't matter why you need 14-letter words. The key is that you do it, and we are here to help. So, stay tuned and read on to discover more.
What are 14-letter words?
14-letter words are, as the name says, composed of 14 letters. That sounds really lengthy, doesn't it? People undoubtedly use a lot more of these long phrases than they think. For instance, there are enough of the aforementioned terms in the English lexicon, but unless people list every letter of every word they use, they're unlikely to be aware of how many 14-letter words appear.
A list of 14-letter words
Not all words with 14 letters begin with the same letter. They also differ in letters and endings. Here's a list of such words.
- Abstractionist
- Abstractnesses
- Abstrusenesses
- Acceleratingly
- Accelerometers
- Acceptableness
- Accessibleness
- Accidentalness
- Accommodations
- Accompaniments
- Accomplishable
- Accomplishment
- Accountability
- Accountantship
- Accreditations
- Acculturations
- Accumulatively
- Accuratenesses
- Accursednesses
- Accustomations
- Accustomedness
- Ambassadresses
- Ambidextrously
- Amicablenesses
- Aminoacidurias
- Aminopeptidase
- Aminophyllines
- Amitriptylines
- Ammonification
- Baccalaureates
- Backscattering
- Backwardnesses
- Bactericidally
- Bacteriologies
- Bacteriologist
- Bacteriophages
- Bacteriostases
- Bacteriostasis
- Bacteriostatic
- Bacterizations
- Balkanizations
- Beggarlinesses
- Beleaguerments
- Belligerencies
- Benefactresses
- Beneficialness
- Beneficiations
- Benevolentness
- Benzanthracene
- Benzimidazoles
- Benzodiazepine
- Boneheadedness
- Bootlessnesses
- Bottomlessness
- Bougainvillaea
- Bougainvilleas
- Bouillabaisses
- Bouleversement
- Bourgeoisified
- Bourgeoisifies
- Boustrophedons
- Bowdlerization
- Circumlocutory
- Circumnavigate
- Circumscissile
- Circumscribing
- Circumspection
- Circumstantial
- Circumvallated
- Circumvallates
- Circumventions
- Circumvolution
- Citriculturist
- Civilizational
- Clairaudiences
- Clairaudiently
- Clannishnesses
- Clapperclawing
- Clarifications
- Classicalities
- Classification
- Classificatory
- Clearinghouses
- Climatological
- Climatologists
- Cliometricians
- Cliquishnesses
- Clitorectomies
- Clitoridectomy
- Cloddishnesses
- Clothespresses
- Clownishnesses
- Coalifications
- Coastguardsman
- Coastguardsmen
- Cobelligerents
- Cocainizations
- Cocarboxylases
- Coincidentally
- Coinvestigator
- Collaborations
- Daguerreotyped
- Daguerreotypes
- Damnablenesses
- Dandifications
- Daredeviltries
- Debonairnesses
- Decaffeinating
- Decaffeination
- Decamethoniums
- Decarbonations
- Decarboxylases
- Decarboxylated
- Decarboxylates
- Ecclesiologist
- Echinococcoses
- Echinococcosis
- Echocardiogram
- Ecocatastrophe
- Econometrician
- Ecumenicalisms
- Editorializers
- Editorializing
- Educatednesses
- Educationalist
- Effectualities
- Effervescences
- Effervescently
- Efflorescences
- Effortlessness
- Effusivenesses
- Egalitarianism
- Egocentrically
- Electabilities
- Electioneerers
- Electioneering
- Electivenesses
- Electrocutions
- Electrodeposit
- Fashionmongers
- Fastidiousness
- Fatalistically
- Fatherlinesses
- Fathomlessness
- Fatigabilities
- Fearlessnesses
- Fearsomenesses
- Featherbedding
- Featherbrained
- Featherweights
- Fecklessnesses
- Fertilizations
- Feudalizations
- Feuilletonisms
- Feuilletonists
- Feverishnesses
- Fibrinopeptide
- Fibrosarcomata
- Fictionalising
- Fictionalities
- Fictionalizing
- Fictioneerings
- Fictionization
- Fictitiousness
- Gastightnesses
- Gastroduodenal
- Gastroscopists
- Gastrovascular
- Gelandesprungs
- Gelatinization
- Gelatinousness
- Gemeinschaften
- Gemutlichkeits
- Genealogically
- Generalisation
- Generalissimos
- Generalization
- Generationally
- Generousnesses
- Hairlessnesses
- Hairsplittings
- Hallucinations
- Hallucinogenic
- Hallucinosises
- Halterbreaking
- Handicraftsman
- Handicraftsmen
- Handkerchieves
- Handsomenesses
- Hardhandedness
- Hardheadedness
- Hardinggrasses
- Harmlessnesses
- Harmoniousness
- Harmonizations
- Harpsichordist
- Haruspications
- Hatchabilities
- Headlessnesses
- Headmastership
- Headmistresses
- Headquartering
- Heartrendingly
- Heavenlinesses
- Heavyheartedly
- Hedonistically
- Heedlessnesses
- Hellenizations
- Helplessnesses
- Hemacytometers
- Hemagglutinate
- Hemagglutinins
- Hemerocallises
- Hemicelluloses
- Hemimetabolous
- Hemocytometers
- Hemoflagellate
- Hemoglobinuria
- Hemoglobinuric
- Hepatectomized
- Hepatocellular
- Illogicalities
- Illuminatingly
- Illusivenesses
- Illusorinesses
- Illustrational
- Illustratively
- Imaginableness
- Immaterialisms
- Immaterialists
- Immaterialized
- Immaterializes
- Immethodically
- Immobilization
- Immoderateness
- Immovabilities
- Immunoblotting
- Immunochemical
- Immunochemists
- Immunogenetics
- Immunogenicity
- Immunoglobulin
- Immunoreactive
- Immunosorbents
- Immunosuppress
- Immutabilities
- Impartialities
- Impassableness
- Imperativeness
- Impercipiences
- Impermanencies
- Impermeability
- Impersonalized
- Impersonalizes
- Impersonations
- Impertinencies
- Imperviousness
- Implausibility
- Implementation
- Landownerships
- Laparoscopists
- Laryngectomees
- Laryngectomies
- Laryngoscopies
- Legitimization
- Lepidopterists
- Letterspacings
- Leukemogeneses
- Leukemogenesis
- Leukocytosises
- Leukodystrophy
- Lexicalisation
- Lexicalization
- Lexicographers
- Lexicographies
- Liberalization
- Liberationists
- Libertarianism
- Machineability
- Magnifications
- Magniloquences
- Magniloquently
- Maidenlinesses
- Malabsorptions
- Malacostracans
- Maladaptations
- Maladjustments
- Maladministers
- Malapertnesses
- Malapportioned
- Malariologists
- Malcontentedly
- Malfunctioning
- Malleabilities
- Malodorousness
- Manageableness
- Manifestations
- Manifoldnesses
- Manipulability
- Manipulatively
- Mannerlinesses
- Manometrically
- Manufacturings
- Mariculturists
- Materialnesses
- Mathematically
- Mathematicians
- Matriculations
- Meaningfulness
- Mechanizations
- Meddlesomeness
- Meditativeness
- Megakaryocytes
- Megakaryocytic
- Nauseousnesses
- Navigabilities
- Navigationally
- Nebulousnesses
- Necessitarians
- Necessitations
- Needlessnesses
- Negativenesses
- Neglectfulness
- Neighborliness
- Nephelometries
- Nephrectomized
- Nephrectomizes
- Nephrotoxicity
- Neuraminidases
- Neuroanatomies
- Neuroanatomist
- Neurobiologies
- Neurobiologist
- Neuroblastomas
- Neurochemicals
- Neurochemistry
- Neuroendocrine
- Neurofibromata
- Neurogenically
- Neurologically
- Neuropathology
- Neuroradiology
- Neuroscientist
- Neurosecretion
- Neurosecretory
- Neurosurgeries
- Obligingnesses
- Obsequiousness
- Obsoletenesses
- Obstreperously
- Obstructionism
- Obstructionist
- Overabundances
- Overaccentuate
- Overactivities
- Overadjustment
- Overadvertised
- Overadvertises
- Overaggressive
- Overanalytical
- Overarticulate
- Overassertions
- Overassessment
- Overattentions
- Overbreathings
- Overcapacities
- Overcapitalize
- Overcautioning
- Overcentralize
- Overclassified
- Overclassifies
- Overcommitment
- Overcommitting
- Overcompensate
- Overcompliance
- Overcomplicate
- Overcompressed
- Overcompresses
- Overconcerning
- Overconfidence
- Overconstructs
- Overcontrolled
- Overfertilized
- Overfertilizes
- Overfulfilling
- Overgeneralize
- Overgenerosity
- Overgenerously
- Overglamorized
- Overglamorizes
- Overharvesting
- Overhomogenize
- Overidealizing
- Overidentified
- Overidentifies
- Overimpressing
- Overindulgence
- Overinflations
- Overinvestment
- Overlengthened
- Overmaturities
- Overmedicating
- Overmedication
- Overnourishing
- Overnutritions
- Overoptimistic
- Overorganizing
- Overornamented
- Overparticular
- Overpersuading
- Overpersuasion
- Overpopulating
- Overpopulation
- Overpoweringly
- Overprescribed
- Overprescribes
- Overprivileged
- Overprocessing
- Overproduction
- Overprograming
- Overprogrammed
- Overproportion
- Overprotecting
- Overprotection
- Overprotective
- Overrefinement
- Overregulating
- Overregulation
- Overresponding
- Oversaturating
- Oversaturation
- Overscrupulous
- Oversecretions
- Oversimplified
- Oversimplifies
- Oversimplistic
- Oversolicitous
- Overspecialize
- Overspeculated
- Overspeculates
- Paedomorphosis
- Painlessnesses
- Palatabilities
- Palatalization
- Palatialnesses
- Paleobiologies
- Paleobiologist
- Parasitologist
- Paratactically
- Pardonableness
- Parenchymatous
- Parenthesizing
- Parsimoniously
- Parthenocarpic
- Participations
- Penicillamines
- Penicillinases
- Penitentiaries
- Pentobarbitals
- Pentobarbitone
- Peptidoglycans
- Perambulations
- Perceptibility
- Perceptiveness
- Perceptivities
- Percussionists
- Percussiveness
- Percutaneously
- Peregrinations
- Peremptoriness
- Perfectibility
- Perfectionisms
- Perfectionists
- Perfectiveness
- Pharmaceutical
- Pharmacologies
- Pharmacologist
- Pharmacopoeial
- Pharmacopoeias
- Phenologically
- Phenomenalisms
- Phenomenalists
- Phenothiazines
- Phenotypically
- Phlegmatically
- Phonologically
- Phosphokinases
- Phospholipases
- Phosphoprotein
- Phosphorescent
- Phosphorescing
- Phosphorolyses
- Phosphorolysis
- Phosphorolytic
- Phosphorylases
- Phosphorylated
- Phosphorylates
- Photoautotroph
- Photobiologies
- Photobiologist
- Photochemistry
- Photochromisms
- Photocomposers
- Photocomposing
- Photodetectors
- Photoduplicate
- Photoelectrons
- Photoemissions
- Photoengravers
- Photoengraving
- Photofinishers
- Photofinishing
- Photogenically
- Photogeologies
- Photogeologist
- Photogrammetry
- Photoinduction
- Photoinductive
- Photolytically
- Precentorships
- Preceptorships
- Preciousnesses
- Precipitancies
- Precipitations
- Precipitinogen
- Precociousness
- Precombustions
- Precommitments
- Preconceptions
- Preconditioned
- Preconsciouses
- Preconsciously
- Preconsonantal
- Preconstructed
- Preconventions
- Preconvictions
- Predaceousness
- Predesignating
- Predestinarian
- Predestinating
- Predestination
- Predestinators
- Predeterminers
- Predetermining
- Predevaluation
- Predevelopment
- Predictability
- Predischarging
- Prediscoveries
- Predisposition
- Predominancies
- Predominations
- Preemployments
- Preenrollments
- Preestablished
- Preestablishes
- Preexperiments
- Prefabricating
- Prefabrication
- Preferentially
- Prefigurations
- Prefigurements
- Preformulating
- Pregnabilities
- Prehensilities
- Preinterviewed
- Premanufacture
- Premaxillaries
- Premeditatedly
- Premeditations
- Premenstrually
- Premillenarian
- Prenominations
- Preoccupancies
- Preoccupations
- Preoperational
- Preoperatively
- Preordainments
- Preordinations
- Preparednesses
- Preperformance
- Preponderances
- Preponderantly
- Preponderately
- Preponderating
- Preponderation
- Prepossessions
- Preposterously
- Preproductions
- Preprogramming
- Productivities
- Professionally
- Professorially
- Professoriates
- Professorships
- Profitableness
- Profoundnesses
- Progestational
- Prognosticated
- Prognosticates
- Prognosticator
- Progressivisms
- Progressivists
- Prohibitionist
- Projectionists
- Proletarianise
- Proletarianize
- Proliferations
- Prolificnesses
- Pronouncements
- Pronunciamento
- Pronunciations
- Propagandistic
- Propagandizers
- Propagandizing
- Propitiousness
- Proportionable
- Proportionably
- Proportionally
- Proportionated
- Proportionates
- Propositioning
- Proprietorship
- Proprietresses
- Proprioception
- Proprioceptive
- Proprioceptors
- Proscriptively
- Prosencephalic
- Prosencephalon
- Prosperousness
- Prostaglandins
- Prosthetically
- Prosthodontics
- Prosthodontist
- Protectionisms
- Protectionists
- Protectiveness
- Protectorships
- Prothonotarial
- Prothonotaries
- Protohistorian
- Protohistories
- Protolanguages
- Protoplanetary
- Protoporphyrin
- Prototypically
- Recalibrations
- Recanalization
- Recapitalizing
- Recapitulating
- Recapitulation
- Recentrifuging
- Rechoreographs
- Reciprocations
- Recirculations
- Recklessnesses
- Recodification
- Recolonization
- Recombinations
- Recommencement
- Recommendation
- Recommendatory
- Recommissioned
- Recontaminates
- Recrystallized
- Recrystallizes
- Rectangularity
- Rectifiability
- Rectifications
- Redescriptions
- Redevelopments
- Redintegrating
- Redintegration
- Redintegrative
- Rediscountable
- Redispositions
- Redistillation
- Redistributing
- Redistribution
- Redistributive
- Reducibilities
- Reductionistic
- Reduplications
- Reembroidering
- Reencountering
- Reestablishing
- Reexaminations
- Reexperiencing
- Reexportations
- Referentiality
- Reflectiveness
- Reflectivities
- Reflectometers
- Reflectorizing
- Reforestations
- Reformulations
- Refractiveness
- Refractivities
- Refractometers
- Refractometric
- Refractoriness
- Refrangibility
- Refrigerations
- Refurbishments
- Regardlessness
- Regenerateness
- Regimentations
- Regressiveness
- Regressivities
- Regularization
- Regurgitations
- Rehabilitating
- Rehabilitation
- Rehabilitative
- Rehabilitators
- Rehospitalized
- Rehospitalizes
- Reimbursements
- Reimplantation
- Reimportations
- Reincarnations
- Reincorporated
- Reincorporates
- Reinfestations
- Reinforcements
- Reinnervations
- Reinoculations
- Reinstallation
- Reinstatements
- Reintegrations
- Reinterpreting
- Reinterviewing
- Reintroduction
- Reinvestigated
- Renationalizes
- Renegotiations
- Renewabilities
- Representation
- Representative
- Repressibility
- Reregistration
- Resegregations
- Reservationist
- Reservednesses
- Resignednesses
- Resistlessness
- Resolutenesses
- Respectability
- Respectfulness
- Respectiveness
- Respiritualize
- Sanctification
- Sanguinenesses
- Sansculottisms
- Saponification
- Satisfactorily
- Scabrousnesses
- Scandalmongers
- Speciousnesses
- Spectatorships
- Spectinomycins
- Spectrographic
- Spectrometries
- Spectroscopies
- Spectroscopist
- Speechlessness
- Spellbindingly
- Spermatogonial
- Spermatogonium
- Strikebreakers
- Strikebreaking
- Structuralisms
- Structuralists
- Tablespoonsful
- Tachistoscopes
- Thanatological
- Thanatologists
- Undernutrition
- Vegetarianisms
- Vegetativeness
- Venerabilities
- Vengefulnesses
- Venomousnesses
- Ventriloquisms
- Ventriloquists
- Ventriloquized
- Ventriloquizes
- Weatherpersons
- Weatherproofed
- Weightlessness
- Weightliftings
- Weltanschauung
- Westernisation
- Westernization
- Wheelbarrowing
- Whimsicalities
- Whippersnapper
- Whistleblowers
- Whistleblowing