400 Opposite Words in English
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400 Opposite Words in English |
Learning English is very common nowadays, and many people want to learn English, so you should not stop trying to learn because new words are added to the English language every day, so today we will teach you a new lesson. English word antonyms consist of 400 words and their opposites in the English language.
List of words and their opposites in the English language
In the list below are 400 words with their opposites:
Opposite words for beginners
1 About - Exactly
2 above - below
3 Absence - presence
4 Abundance - lack
5 Accept - refuse
6 Accidental - Intentional
7 Active - idle
8 Add - subtract
9 Admit - deny
10 adults - children
11 advanced-elementary
12 affirmative-negative
13 Afraid - brave
14 After - before
15 against - for
16 Agree - refuse
17 Like - different
18 Alive - dead
19 All-none
20 Allow - forbid
21 Already - not yet
22 Always - never
23 Amateur - professional
24 Amos - bore
25 Ancestor - descendant
26 Ancestor - descendant
27 ancient-modern
28 Angel-devil
29 Animal - human
30 Annoy-satisfying
31 Answer - ask
32 Answer-question
33 Antonym - synonym
34 Apart - together
35 Approximately - exactly
36 Argue-agree
37 Arrival - Departure
38 Arrive - depart
39 Artificial - natural
40 Ascent - descent
41 Ask - answer
42 Sleep - wake up
43 Attack - defend
44 Attack - defense
45 Attic-cellar
46 Autumn-spring
47 Awake - asleep
48 Awful - nice
49 Back - in front of
50 Background - foreground
51 back - forward
52 Bad - good
53 Bad luck - fortune
54 Bad luck - good luck
55 interested - bore
56 Beautiful - ugly
57 Beauty-ugliness
58 before-after
59 Begin - end
60 Beginning - end
61 Behind - in front of
62 Below - above
63 Best-worst
64 Better - worse
65 big - small
66 Birth - death
67 Bitter-sweet
68 Black-white
69 Blunt-sharp
70 Body-soul
71 Bore - amuse
72 Boring - exciting
73 Borrow - lend
74 Bottom - top
75 Boy - girl
76 Brave - cowardly
77 Break-fix
78 broad-narrow
79 Brother-sister
80 Build - destroy
81 Busy-lazy
82 Buy - sell
83 Calm-excited
84 Careful - careless
85 Careless - careful
86 Catch-miss
87 Ceiling - floor
88 Cellar - aggressive
89 Center - outskirts
90 Certainly - probably
91 Changeable - constant
92 cheap - expensive
93 Child - adult
94 Children - parents
95 Clean dirty
96 Clear - cloudy
97 Clever - stupid
98 Close - open
99 Closed - open
100 Cloudy - clear
101 Cold - heat
102 Cold - hot
103 Come-go
104 Comedy - drama
105 Complicated - simple
106 Compliment - insult
107 Compulsory - voluntary
108 Connect - separate
109 Consonant - vowel
110 Constant - changeable
111 Construction - destruction
112 Continue - interrupt
113 Cool - warm
114 Correct - wrong
115 Courage - fear
116 Courageous-cowardly
117 Cowardly - brave
118 Create - destroy
119 Cruel - human
120 Cry - laugh
121 Cry - whisper
122 Damage - repair
123 Danger - security
124 Dangerous - safe
125 Dark - light
126 Daughter-son
127 Dawn - dusk
128 Day-night
129 dead alive
130 Death - birth
131 Deep - shallow
132 Defeat - victory
133 Defence-attack
134 Defend - attack
135 Delicious - awful
136 Deny - admit
137 Depart - arrive
138 Departure - arrival
139 Descendant-ancestor
140 Descent - Ascent
141 Desperate hopefully
142 Destroy - build
143 Destruction - construction
144 Devil - angel
145 Dictatorship-republic
146 Die - live
147 Different - like
148 Difficult - easy
149 Dirty - clean
150 Disease - health
151 Distant - near
152 Divide - unit
153 Division - Unity
154 Divorce - Marriage
155 Divorce - marry
156 Divorced - married
157 Domestic - foreign
158 Down-up
159 Downstairs - upstairs
160 Drama - comedy
161 Dry - humid
162 Dull - interesting
163 Dusk - dawn
164 early-late
165 East-West
166 Easy - difficult
167 Elementary - advanced
168 Emigrate - Immigrate
169 Emigration - Immigration
170 Empty - full
171 End - begin
172 End - beginning
173 Ending - beginning
174 Enemy - friend
175 Enjoy - hate
176 Enter - leave
177 Entrance - exit
178 equal - different
179 Even-odd
180 evening-morning
181 Everybody - nobody
182 Everything-nothing
183 Exactly - approximately
184 Excited - calm down
185 Exciting - boring
186 Exclude - include
187 Exit - entrance
188 Expensive - cheap
189 Export-import
190 Exposure - shelter
191 Extreme - moderate
192 Fail - success
193 Failure - success
194 False - true
195 Far-near
196 Fast-slow
197 Fat - slim
198 Fear - Courage
199 Female-male
200 Few - many
201 Final - first
202 Find - lose
203 Finish - begin
204 Finish - start
205 First - final
206 Fix - break
207 Flat - Hilly
208 floor - ceiling
209 Follow - lead
210 For - against
211 Forbid - allow
212 Foreground - background
213 Foreign - Domestic
214 Foreigner - native
215 Forget - remember
216 Form - destroy
217 Fortune - bad luck
218 forward - backward
219 Free - arrest
220 Freeze - melt
221 Frequently - occasionally
222 Fresh - old/stale
223 Friend - enemy
224 front - rear
225 Full - empty
226 Funny-serious
227 Future - past
228 General - particular
229 Generous - mean
230 Gentle - violent
231 Gentleman - lady
232 Giant - tiny
233 Girl - boy
234 Give - take
235 go-come
236 Good - bad
237 Good luck - bad luck
238 Growing up - child
239 guest-host
240 Guilty - innocent
241 Handsome - ugly
242 Happiness-sadness
243 Happy-sad
244 Hard - easy
245 Harvest - plant
246 Hate - enjoy
247 Health - disease
248 Healthy-ill
249 Heat-cold
250 Heaven - hell
251 Heavy - Light
252 Hell - heaven
253 Here - there
254 High-deep
255 High-low
256 Hilly flat
257 Hit - miss
258 Hopefully desperate
259 Hopeless - hopeful
260 Horizontal-Vertical
261 Host - guest
262 Hot-cold
263 Huge - tiny
264 Human-animal
265 Humane - cruel
266 Humid - dry
267 Hungry-thirsty
268 Husband - wife
269 Ignore - notice
270 Ill -Health
271 Immigrate - emigrate
272 Immigration - emigration
273 Import - export
274 In - out
275 In front of – back
276 In front of - back
277 include - exclude
278 Increase - reduce
279 Innocent - guilty
280 inside - outside
281 Insult - compliment
282 Intelligent-silly
283 Intentional - accidental
284 Interesting - boring
285 Interrupt - continue
286 Junior-senior
287 Kind-cruel
288 Lack - abundance
289 Lady - gentleman
290 Land - take off
291 Land - water
292 Large - small
293 Last - first
294 Late-early
295 Laugh-cry
296 Lazy - active
297 lead - follow
298 Learn - teach
299 Leave - arrive
300 left-right
301 Lend - borrow
302 Less - more
303 Let - forbid
304 Lie - stand
305 Life - death
306 Light-dark
307 Light - heavy
308 Like - hate
309 Liquid - solid
310 Little - big
311 Little - much
312 Live - die
313 long - short
314 Lose - win
315 loser - winner
316 Loud - quiet
317 Love-hate
318 Lovely - terrible
319 low-high
320 Lower - raise
321 major - minor
322 Male-female
323 Man-woman
324 Many - few
325 Marriage - Divorce
326 Married - divorced
327 Mary - divorce
328 Master - servant
329 maximum - minimum
330 Mean - generous
331 Melt - freeze
332 Men-women
333 Mend - break
334 Mess - order
335 Midnight - noon
336 minimum - maximum
337 minor-major
338 miss - catch
339 Miss - hit
340 Moderate - extreme
341 Modern - ancient
342 Monarchy - republic
343 Moon - sun
344 More - less
345 Morning - evening
346 Mountain - valley
347 Much-little
348 Narrow-broad
349 Nasty-nice
350 Native - foreigner
351 Natural - artificial
352 Near - distant
353 negative-affirmative
354 Nephew - niece
355 Never - always
356 New - ancient
357 Nice - awful
358 Nice - nephew
359 Night-day
360 No - yes
361 Nobody - everybody
362 Noisy - quiet
363 None of - all of
364 Noon - midnight
365 Normal - strange
366 North-South
367 Not yet - already
368 Nothing - everything
369 Notice - ignore
370 Now - then
371 Occasionally - frequently
372 Occupied - vacant
373 Odd - even
374 off-on
375 Often - seldom
376 Old-modern
377 On–off
378 Open-closed
379 Open-closed
380 Opponent - supportive
381 Order - mess
382 Ordinary - special
383 Other - the same
384 out-in
385 outside - inside
386 Outskirts - center
387 over-under
388 Parents-children
389 Part-whole
390 Partial - total
391 Particular - general
392 Pass - fail
393 Past - future
394 Peace - war
395 Permit - forbid
396 Plant harvest
397 Pleasant-awful
398 Plenty-lack
399 Polite - rude
400 Poor - rich